Confound it all! Wortha has been meddling with my potions and tinctures... all I required was a little indigestion relief and look what happened! Oh! Where is my anti-serum?
Bertram Fiddle, leading Victorian Explorator and Adventurist at your service. Welcome to my blog. I have been explorating, discovering and adventurisng for as long as I can recall. To date I have had adventures in the Himalayas, Africa, Poland, South America, The Arctic, Underwater and Belgium. I have discovered the World's Shortest River, Yetis, Polish Gnomes, Peruvian Cannibals and countless specieses of animals and creatures. I am always looking for new adventures and unexploreded continents so if you know of any I would be most grateful if you send me a telegram. All ramblings, text and images copyright Seb Burnett 2010
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